Why Entrust Cash Advance is the Best Merchant Cash Advance Company
If you’ve decided that a merchant cash advance is the best approach to receiving funds for your business, it can be overwhelming to decide which cash advance provider is the best fit for you. As if finding money for your business weren’t challenging enough, browsing through merchant cash advance companies can be a daunting task in itself since so many providers claim to offer the lowest rates and the best customer service. How should a small business owner know which company to trust?
Here at Our MCA Funding Company Cash Advance we have several promises we make to all of our clients:
1) Quick approval
If you go through Our MCA Funding Company Cash Advance, we can assure you that your request will be processed as quickly as possible. We have a history of consistently funding businesses in as little as four days.
2) Minimal documentation required
Unlike banks and other lending institutions, our merchant cash advance requires you to give us very little paperwork. In accordance with our policy of working as quickly and efficiently as possible, we realize that paperwork can often bog down the process of receiving a cash advance – so we are sure to require very little documentation from you.
3) No personal liability
In order to receive our business cash advance, you will not have to use personal collateral, credit, or a guarantee to receive approval.
4) We can help you in emergency situations
Have you found yourself and your business in a crisis state where you need to quickly replace equipment? Have you had a shortage of inventory and needed to restock as quickly as possible? At Our MCA Funding Company Cash Advance, we guarantee that we will be there for you in emergency situations. Clients who have already worked with us can request renewals as well.
5) Friendly, honest, and professional customer service
Because Our MCA Funding Company was founded by small business owners, we know the challenges and struggles that you as a small business owner must be experiencing. Because of this, we are sure to maintain professional relationships with all of our clients – both present and future – while adding a personal touch to each of our transactions. It is important to us that you stick with us as your m.c.a. provider, and that’s why 87% of our clients return for further funding. Don’t be fooled by other business cash advance companies who claim to have the highest approval rating or the best funding practices in the industry – at Our MCA Funding Company, we have a history of successful transactions with our clients. Curious to see who we’re funding now? Follow us on Twitter @Our MCA Funding CompanyCash for the latest updates!